Monday, 20 January 2014

Skincare Update

Ok so confession time.
I adore all things beauty related, am a makeup artist who regularly tells my clients about the importance of a good skincare routine and as you can see from my previous post, I have a bathroom at my mum's house completely chocka-block full of products at my disposal.
But...(and I shall whisper this so that the beauty gods cannot hear..) I have never really stuck to a great routine and often at the end of a long day reach for my trusty Simple makeup wipe.

Hang on though..let me defend myself. It's effective and fast when your super tired and Simple uses nice, natural ingredients right? So surely it isn't that bad!
Justifying is a big habit of mine as you will begin to learn. I'm ashamed. I'm sorry.

However, as with starting this blog I have recently given myself a kick up the back side, to put it politely, and changed my ways. Time to practise what I preach!

Here is what I have been loving so far:

Most of these products I have used for a long time but very sporadically so haven't seen the full results. My skin really has been grateful for this change and is looking super dewy, moisturised and bright. Who knew?! (Oh yes...I did. Silly me!)

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Topshop Parma Violet Nails with a Twist

So these past few weeks I have neglected my poor little blog. I have had lots of appointments and meetings (mostly boring unfortunately) this half of January but I am now officially back. Back with a vengeance!

To start with I just wanted to share with you a nail combination which I really loved wearing.
A personal favourite of mine at the moment is Topshop's Parma Violet.
Besides the cute name which is very fitting as it really does remind you of the lavender/soap tasting sweets....I really adore the colour!
As you may have noticed from previous posts purple is probably my favourite colour in general so I am always drawn to it. This polish however was actually given to me for a secret santa present which I have been thrilled with.
It is a lovely pale/icy lilac and even without a top coat (naughty me, painting my nails last minute on a train!) it has a great shine to it.

This was my base coat for this nail look and after deciding to add something a little different to it I rummaged through my collection and found a China Glaze Crackle polish in Platinum Pieces.
When painted over the top it crackles and the glitter separates to give a cool effect.
I wore this on a few nights out and my friends commented on how pretty it looked as when your holding your cocktail glass it sparkles in the light!


Sunday, 5 January 2014

New Years Inspiration-Topic 1 2014 Blogger Challenge

Happy New Year!

I am really excited to be a part of this challenge. Hopefully it will give me the opportunity to be a little more creative and get to know lots more lovely bloggers out there.

This quote is something extremely important to me. As I mentioned in my first ever post I have one small tattoo on my foot. It reads 'Vivere Per Oggi' which means 'Live for Today' in Italian.
Throughout my 24 years I have been through a number of quite difficult or sad situations, but I believe that I have become a stronger person because of them.
I truly believe that the present is a gift and we need to appreciate all the small moments in each day that make it special. Be it a laugh, smile, kind gesture or beautiful flower.
It's important not to have any regrets and appreciate what you have whilst it is there. You never know what tomorrow holds.
Saying this however, it is hard to always remember to put this into practise but this year I am going to be inspired by this quote once more :)

Hope you all had a wonderful New Year and here's hoping that 2014 will be great one!

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