Me aged 3 with my fringe! |
For my whole life I have been the owner
of a full fringe or 'bangs' as you call them in America.
Why do we not use this word? It's
It has become part of my image and
almost a comfort blanket to me, as it is all I know.
I did ballet for many years and the
tight bun with slicked back, gelled hair that we had to wear for our
exams still haunts me to this day...I definitely suit a fringe, not
so much without!
From my experience I believe that
everyone can suit one. In fact, it can be extremely flattering,
softening harder features and hiding a multitude of sins (who needs
botox when you can just have a quick snip aye!)
However...my fringe and I do sometimes
have a love hate relationship.
Some mornings, purely to upset me, it
decides to adopt the personality of a teenager and turn all kinky and
rebellious on me. It does the complete opposite of what I want and us
girls know that a bad hair day equals a bad day full stop. I wonder
if fringes in America behave themselves more because they have a way
cooler name? Hmmm...
Another frustration for me is hats. I
love a good winter bobble hat or a beanie, love the way they look on
the model in the picture, love they way they look so warm and
cosy....but on me the dream isn't a reality.
I like my fringe to be long and quite
heavy but the minute it is flattened under a hat I then cannot see,
which isn't too ideal. The wispy ends poking out make me look super
silly and when parted slightly I look like a member of a 90's
I am forever optimistic though and am
still on the hunt for that perfect hat that compliments my outfit
rather than ruins it...wish me luck!
Here are few hats that I have been
lusting over from Accessorize this year...just to torture myself