Saturday, 7 December 2013

Christmas Finger Tips

George Street
Maida Vale 3D Glitter

It really is the simple things in life that please me.
When I was little I used to get so super duper excited about things that I sometimes made myself sick...literally sick!
This was mainly around birthdays, christmas and trips up to London if I remember correctly.

Last night however, it was the discovery of a perfect nail polish combination. Don't get me wrong...the above all still do it for me but seeing as I now live in London I have calmed down a little towards the outings here. It would be very tiring if every time I stepped outside my door I realised I was in the city and couldn't control my life wouldn't be too productive!

Anyway...these are the nails that caused me to do a little happy dance...

I started by applying two coats of Nails Inc. polish in George Street, which is a lovely natural pinky-taupe. I often find neutral shades to be too yellow based for my skin tone but I love this one!
The magical part came next. Nails Inc. have a range of special effects polishes and this one is called Maida Vale and is one of their 3D glitter colours. It contains a mixture of small and larger pieces of glitter in a silvery blue shade. I applied this over the top and it literally looks like a sparkly, wintery snow globe on your finger tips!
Ideal for any upcoming christmas parties, I will most likely be rocking this for mine next week.
I keep catching sight of them and I said it's the small things :)


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